Materiales Didácticos FLE/FOS en el aula del siglo XXI


  • Severina Álvarez González
Keywords: Internet, teaching and learning, FLE/FOS, student, classroom


The acquisition of a foreign language, French in our case, should aim to achieve communicative competence, which involves controlling the expression and communication of FLE and FOS. To achieve this goal it is necessary to integrate the four basic pillars of any teaching / learning of L2 such as reading, writing, listening and integrated communication in an intercultural context Internet is a relevant educational resource to reach this communicative competence. This tool allows us, regardless of time and space; learn anywhere and at any time. It encourages language immersion because the student can visualize sound clips and interact through simulations in the target language while ofering the possibility of teaching and learning from an intercultural competence. Finally, Internet also arouses empathy in students. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the Internet as a space that allows to practice one hand, the grammatical, lexical and phonetic resources through both teaching and activities like Webquest, Blog and on the other hand, deepening the learning of intercultural competence through the Linguistic Projects.


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How to Cite
Álvarez González, S. (2016). Materiales Didácticos FLE/FOS en el aula del siglo XXI. Anales de Filología Francesa, 23, 21–38. Retrieved from