Rendre un jugement sans “rendre l’âme”: l’importance des collocations spécialisées dans l’enseignement du français juridique


  • Lucía Clara Serrano Lucas
Keywords: legal French, didactics, collocations, specialized phraseology


Legal French is mainly directed to non French-speaking professionals who need a communicative competence in French law language for their international communication. As it is a specialized language, terminology plays an important role in the teaching/learning process but, to use terms in a discourse, it is essential to approach specialized phraseology and, particularly, legal collocations because this contribute to accuracy in the transmission of information. In this work we propose a reflection about what concept of collocation is needed in that kind of education and on the importance of specialized phraseology for legal language, and we suggest some didactic uses to work with this kind of units in order to make students sensitive to their identification in context.


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How to Cite
Serrano Lucas, L. C. (2011). Rendre un jugement sans “rendre l’âme”: l’importance des collocations spécialisées dans l’enseignement du français juridique. Anales de Filología Francesa, 19, 287–301. Retrieved from