Des termes en français pour vendre des produits espagnols et vice-versa


Keywords: communication, bilingual terminology, importing/exporting, interculturals, translation


Traducir y vender. Estrategias para la comprensión intercultural (Translating and Selling : Strategies for Intercultural Understanding) first and foremost reflects the results of a research project into the several commercialization stages of local products outside their language and communication zone. By the same token, it also offered its authors an opportunity to discuss terminology problems within the bilingual context of French and Spanish. The terminology study per product raised questions such as: What with lexical transfer from producing to receiving country, how are those terms perceived in their importing/exporting countries, and which terminology adjustments do they eventually undergo, taking into account the specificity of each linguistic and cultural area?


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How to Cite
Danielle, Ángela, Valérie, & Marc. (2010). Des termes en français pour vendre des produits espagnols et vice-versa. Anales de Filología Francesa, 18, 169–181. Retrieved from