Measuring student Cyberculture, reliability and validity of a scale applied: Autonomous University of Chihuahua case.
Successful learning communities called knowledge society is largely determined by the level of cyberculture that they possess. Particular interest resulting from the university community, as the digital divide to be displayed in this way will impact reported in their professional performance and therefore in the development of society in general. The need for adequate scale to measure student cyberculture and then characterize and improve their levels based on objective and quantitative data is discussed. The results of the reliability and validity of a given interval scale to measure the construct of student cyberculture applied to a Mexican university community are presented in this paper. The scale constructed with linear character - additive and considers five conceptual dimensions: use, access, ownership, empowerment and innovation, resulted in high levels of reliability and validity so its importance is clear to measure and manage student cyberculture in university communities.Downloads
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