
Keywords: Scientific communication, correlations, Social Web, altmetrics,, Snowball, Mendeley, Twitter


This study analyses the correlations between data provided by the traditional citation systems on one hand and altmetrics on the other hand, related to the articles published in the journal Comunicar during five years. This journal stands out among the others in its field due to its advanced social media marketing plan. First, a presentation of the most representative aspects of altmetrics is given, according to published studies. Next, a bibliographic review is carried out on the publications dealing with the subject of the correlations and that emphasize the low correlation between citations and altmetrics. With the aim of helping researchers to understand what they involved and how they are used for their own benefit, this review is followed by a cross-metric validation study of the articles that concludes that altmetrics do not measure the authors' scientific impact, but they are significant in assessing the level of attention received by their publications in different fields and indicate the interest and the importance of using social media, especially Mendeley and Twitter, to give visibility and disseminate their scientific outputs.


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Author Biographies

Nieves González-Fernández-Villavicencio, Universtiy of Seville

Directora de la Biblioteca de Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla. Doctora por la Universidad de Salamanca.

Victor M. Moya-Orozco, Universtiy of Seville

Licenciado en Documentación por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y Máster en Documentación Digital por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Es Ayudante de Biblioteca en la Biblioteca de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el año 2010, donde ejerce como asesor y formador en cuestiones relativas a la difusión de la información científica.


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