
Keywords: tourism management; IC; bibliometric analysis; sustainable tourism


The tourism sector has experienced a steady growth in the last decades, becoming one of the key sectors for the development of countries. However, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 brought about an unprecedented social, economic and health crisis that has forced a change in the way tourism is conducted. This article presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of different Information and Communication Technologies’ uses in sustainable tourism management to study the literature and serve as a roadmap for future research in this field.


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How to Cite
Vidal-Serrano, L., Rodríguez-Antón, J. M. ., Rubio-Andrada, L., & Narbona-Reina, B. (2022). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICT) AS A TOOL FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM MANAGEMENT: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS. Cuadernos de Turismo, (50), 97–117.

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