
Keywords: Tourism industry; technological risks; Lourizán manufacturing complex


Human intervention in the Territory through the implementation of planning -from the dual purpose of organizing and designing its evolution- is a current ambition that, however, we cannot consider as exclusively contemporary. Despite the incursions made in a more or less recent past in what has come to be known as Territory Planning, at present there are not a few sectors of the scientific community, in general, and of the geographical and legal ones, in particular, those who believe that hardly without an intervention of the “public powers” in the territory -through “planning”-, a balanced spatial structure could be achieved, which contributes to the achievement of a more supportive society and, ultimately, with fewer inequalities -at least, in terms of opportunities-. All this without forgetting that when dealing with the environment, historical reality has shown us that the relationship between the natural environment and the industrial subsystem -including the tourism sector- has given rise to specific forms of environmental management. An example can be found in the economic and social alternatives to industrial activities that involve significant technological risks with consequences that are not always positive for human life, as in the case of the Placeres-Lourizán factory complex, located in Herbalonga, in the parish of San Andrés de Lourizán, in the municipality of Pontevedra.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez, I., Sotelo Pérez, M., & Sotelo Navalpotro, J. A. . (2022). ANTHROPIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS, TOURISM AS AN ALTERNATIVE? CASE STUDY. Cuadernos de Turismo, (49), 261–288.