
Keywords: sustainability; competitive advantage; performance; hotels; PLS-SEM


Previous studies have analysed the link between sustainability and performance without reaching a consensus in the hotel industry. This research work examines the relationship between sustainability and performance, and the mediating effect of cost and differentiation competitive advantages in this relationship. The results show that sustainability positively influences perceptual performance and revenues per available room; sustainability has a direct relationship with costs and differentiation advantages; and differentiation advantage mediates the relationship between sustainability and performance.


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How to Cite
López-Gamero, M. D. ., Pereira-Moliner, J., Molina-Azorín, J. F. ., Tarí, J. J. ., & Pertusa-Ortega, E. M. . (2022). SUSTAINABILITY AND PERFORMANCE IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY: THE MEDIATOR ROLE OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES. Cuadernos de Turismo, (49), 105–130.