Tourism destinations need not only to be secure for travellers, but these to perceive such secureness at the time of designing their trip. Offences against tourists not only damage them, but the whole destination through the attrition of its image, which is an expensive asset in terms of creation and maintenance. In this work we tackle the analysis of the offences on tourists in an urban mature destination, comparing them to the incidences reported by residents. Analysing 31.799 complaints, the findings of this work allowed to figure out significant differences in the reports seasonality, being those issued by tourists far more intense in summer and in weekends. Moreover, the offences reported by tourists are significantly less cleared up, proportionally, compared to those conveyed by residents. On another aspect, the average ages of different kinds of tourists could also be significantly discriminated respective to residents group. Ultimately, a GIS analysis of the reports allowed to deploy the data, pointing out a group of places where the offences against tourists concentrate.
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