From the deterioration of the heritage to its revaluation and inclusion in the touristic planification: the case of Valladolid


  • Miguel Pastor Coello
Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Tourism Development, Public Policy, Urban Space


The relevance reached by the cultural heritage in the cities of Castilla y León converts them in a representative scenario to understand the spatial transformations associated to the expansion of the cultural tourism in Spain. In this way, the city of Valladolid deserves a specific consideration because, provided with a real-state heritage of great historical value, most of its elements have been affected by a process deterioration during the second half of the XXth century. The instruments applied in the first decade of the XXIst century to the restoration and rehabilitation of the entire historic center, as well as to the accreditation of its principal cultural resources, have allowed to laid the foundations of an strategy heading to the valuation of heritage with touristic development purposes, by the organization of the principal elements that integrate it in an articulated offer for the visitor. Nevertheless, the result of these actions has not been always the expected, suffering new alterations the built heritage that the city already preserved.


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How to Cite
Pastor Coello, M. (2014). From the deterioration of the heritage to its revaluation and inclusion in the touristic planification: the case of Valladolid. Cuadernos de Turismo, (34), 213–232. Retrieved from