Public private cooperation in tourism destinations promotion: the methodology of social network analysis


  • Ana Muñoz Mazón Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Laura Fuentes Moraleda Rey Juan Carlos University
Keywords: stakeholders, cooperation, tourism destination, knowledge, social networks, promotion


This paper addresses three central issues for the tourist destinations management (i) the importance of intangibles as source of competitive advantage, (ii) the relevance of the relationship between agents and destination actions for cooperation, to generate synergies in the promotion field and (iii) methodologies for the identification and analysis of the relationships between tourism stakeholders. This article explores the importance of relational capital in the field of promotion, introducing the methodology of social network analysis for measuring and generating indicators to study the relationships between stakeholders in a tourism destination.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Mazón, A., & Fuentes Moraleda, L. (2013). Public private cooperation in tourism destinations promotion: the methodology of social network analysis. Cuadernos de Turismo, (31), 199–223. Retrieved from