Residents’ perceptions toward cruise tourism impacts on a community: a factor and cluster analysis


  • Juan Gabriel Brida
  • Eugenia Riaño
  • Sandra Zapata Aguirre
Keywords: Perceptions, attitudes, residents, Cartagena de Indias, cruises, factor analysis, cluster analysis


This paper explores how residents in the Caribbean city of Cartagena de India regard cruise tourism as affecting their community. Local attitudes and perceptions allowed it to segment the sample into four different opinion groups using a hierarchical cluster analysis. The overall results indicate that the respondents perceive the cruise activity as positive from the economic, social and cultural viewpoint, but results of the research also suggested that the resident population should not be viewed as homogenous in its support for cruise tourism development. Indeed, its opinions regarding cruise tourism and its management were significantly diverse across a variety of socio-economic and demographic indicators. This information has serious implications for the management of tourism in the city and other cruise destinations.


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Author Biographies

Juan Gabriel Brida

Eugenia Riaño

Sandra Zapata Aguirre

How to Cite
Brida, J. G., Riaño, E., & Zapata Aguirre, S. (2012). Residents’ perceptions toward cruise tourism impacts on a community: a factor and cluster analysis. Cuadernos de Turismo, (29), 79–107. Retrieved from

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