Rural heritage as a tourism resource. Highlighting the importance of tourism for regional infrastructures (routes & ways) in the mountain areas of the Basque Country and Navarre


  • María Cruz Porcal Gonzalo
Keywords: heritage, rural heritage, touristic development, territorial infrastructures, iron lines, cattle trails, historical routes, mountain areas, Basque Country, Navarre


Within the framework of adopting a broad view of heritage and recognition of rural heritage as a tourism resource and driving force behind sustainable development, there has been a growing awareness concerning the patrimonial value of historical territorial infrastructures that provide a backbone to the countryside and mountains. After having verified the institutional and regulatory position of these principles from a multitude of scales and approaches, this paper focuses on analysing and assessing the change in functionality and, more specifically, the re-use, in terms of tourism, of permanent ways, cattle trails and historical routes, based on certain significant experiences in the Basque Country and Navarre.


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How to Cite
Porcal Gonzalo, M. C. (2011). Rural heritage as a tourism resource. Highlighting the importance of tourism for regional infrastructures (routes & ways) in the mountain areas of the Basque Country and Navarre. Cuadernos de Turismo, (27), 759–784. Retrieved from