The region of Attica and the metropolitan area of Athens represent nowadays the socioeconomic motor of Greece. In fact, since Athens was declared capital of the Modern Greek State in 1834, the region has been characterized by a great dynamism and a gradual spatial growth of powers, goods and services. Nevertheless, the evolution of this trend has had in consequence deep environmental and territorial changes in the region causing a significant deterioration of Attica’s natural resources. This phenomenon of environmental degradation, at regional scale, has damaged the quality of the tourist experience limiting its capacity of attraction as a tourist destination. The main goal of this article entitled Tourist activity and territorial politics in the region of Attica is to analyze the different regional resources of Attica relating to the tourist development as well as its own evolution in the region, from the perspective of the tourist demand as well as the accommodation supply. The last point is dedicated to the analysis of the public initiatives related to the protection of the environment in the region and its effects on the whole Attica as a tourist destination.Downloads
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