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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Cuadernos de Turismo is published every six months at the University of Murcia (Servicio de Publicaciones). The journal is aimedat academics from universities, national and international organizations, professionals in the field and people interested in the subject. It intends to cover all matters related to tourism at large: geographical, town-and-country planning, economical, ecological, as well as didactic issues touching on tourist activities.

The Editorial Administrative Department is responsible for receiving the original articles, and ensuring that publication rules are observed, submitting papers to the Editorial Board and to the external assessors appointed in each case, as well as ensuring that articles are returned to their authors for the purposes of correction.

Originals submitted for publication are subject to double-blind peer reviewing, with a third referee involved if contradictory reports have been delivered. A compromise to inform prospective authors of the evaluation results is also assumed.

Originality. The articles submitted should be both original and hitherto unpublished. In the case of results of a research project this fact should be indicated by means of a footnote on the first page, indicating the name of the project, key or reference, and the funding source as well as the name of the principal researcher.

Text. Texts shall be published in either Spanish or English. The text of the article, including notes, bibliography, summaries, tables, images, photographs, figures and captions, will be sent via e-mail (cespejo@um.es - ramongm@um.es) using a standard word processing programme, always indicating the programme and version used.

No article should exceed 20 pages (approx 80.000 characters including spaces). The font shall be Times New Roman, size 12, with single spacing. Mixed fonts will not be accepted. Pages shall be numbered at the lower right hand side of the page. The distance from the uper and lower edges of the text shall be 2 cm. The text shall be justified with 2 cm left and right hand margins. The article title shall be displayed in Times New Roman, size 14, in upper case levels and in bold type and in the centre of the page. Beneath and separated by two line spaces the author’s or authors’ name(s) appear (in lower case size 12 and without bold type in the centre or the page) and below this the name of the Department or Centre to which the authors are attached in addition.

The article should be preceded by a brief summary in Spanish and English not exceeding 600 characters (spaces included) in each section. The summary in English should be headed by the translated title of the article. The summary shall be followed by key words in Spanish and English.

Once the article has been accepted for publication, it is expected that the authors submit a long summary (theree-to-five pages) (max. 21.000 characters with spaces included). The summary shall be in English (or in Spanish for works originally presented in English).

Section numbering. The different sections in the article shall be consecutively numbered in arabic numerals, with full stop. Headings in capital letters, size 12, bold. Subheadings (1.1., 1.2., etc.) in lower case, size 12, bold. Then (1.1.1., 1.1.2., etc.) in lower case, size 12, italics (no bold typeface). All figures, tables and graphics will be numbered differently (figure 1, table 1, etc.), and shall have a clear and brief caption, in capital letters, bold typeface.

Footnotes. These should be reduced to the essential minimum. They shall be situated at the foot of the page and numbered correlatively with arabic numerals.

Authors’ quotes. Authors quoted in the text shall be referred only by surname, the year of publication and, if required, the page in question (Conde, 2007:45). If the same author is quoted on various occasions these shall be ordered by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc). The full reference will be included in the bibliography.

Bibliography. This shall be situated at the end of the article and shall be listed alphabetically in order of author, in accordance with the following example, depending on whether it is a book, book chapter or journal article, printed or electronic form:

SCHLÜTER, R. (2003): El turismo en Argentina. Del balneario al campo. Buenos Aires, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Turísticos. TROITIÑO VINUESA, M. A. (2002): «Turismo y recuperación urbana», en El turismo en Castilla-La Mancha. Análisis y perspectivas. Cuenca, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, pp. 29-43.

AGUILÓ PÉREZ, E. (1999): «Consideraciones en torno a los trabajos e investigaciones sobre la calidad en la formación turística», Cuadernos de Turismo, no 4, pp. 7-9.

PILLET CAPDEPÓN, F. (2008): «El Catastro Inmobiliario Territorial de Urbana y Rústica en España», en Scripta Nova, vol. XII, no 274, 1 de octubre de 2008. Universidad de Barcelona. Disponible en http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-274.htm


Cuadernos de Turismo journal
Department of Geography
University of Murcia
Campus La Merced
Phone: +34 868 883184 
E-mail: cespejo@um.es - ramongm@um.es
Web: http://revistas.um.es/turismo

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Los nombres y direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.