Fire rituals in the city: The feast of San Juan in Murcia


Keywords: Solstice, Saint John the Baptist, bonfires, cahondos, fallas, ninots, Murcia


The celebration of the summer solstice through the customary bonfires is a practice rooted in Murcia since time immemorial. Their persistence in recent centuries, together with the incorporation of figurative elements to be burned in them, has given their development in the urban area a special significance. Although the most distant sources associate this practice with the old moorish neighborhoods, it is San Juan that has provided a specific framework for these popular rituals. There, in tune with the patron saint's festivities, it found special accommodation in the 20th century, reaching an unusual development towards the middle of the century through the incorporation of fallas of a valencian nature. The problem that arises from these uses is analyzed in this work in which, in addition, the decline of the celebration is studied in parallel to the destruction of the urban framework in which it acquired its nature as well as the forced dispersion of the neighborhood derived from that .


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How to Cite
Fernández Sánchez, J. A. (2024). Fire rituals in the city: The feast of San Juan in Murcia. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (31), 105–142.