The rights of Nature and Citizenship: the case of the Mar Menor


Keywords: Rights of Nature, Ecological Justice, Earth Jurisprudence, Mar Menor, Popular Legislative Initiative, Public Participation


The advance of environmental degradation around the world is evident year after year in reports on Climate Change and Ecosystem Health. The environmental laws that have been in force around the world for the past 40 years have failed to halt the loss of biodiversity and global warming. In the Western paradigm, Nature has been conceived as an object for human benefit and this misconception has led us to the current collapse. It is time for the change we need, in the sense of recognizing that human beings are part of Nature and have an interdependent relationship with it. This is the new paradigm of ecological Justice, which is embodied in a new generation of subjective rights: the rights of nature. A worldwide movement promotes the rights of nature on all continents and is recognized by the United Nations "Harmony with Nature" Program. This movement is led in Europe by the Popular Legislative Initiative to recognize the Mar Menor and its basin with legal personality and its own rights.



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How to Cite
Vicente Giménez, T., & Salazar Ortuño, E. (2022). The rights of Nature and Citizenship: the case of the Mar Menor. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (29), 15–26.