Artisanal fishing, cultural heritage and social education.

The Murcian fisherman as cultural custodian


Keywords: Cultural heritage, artisanal fishing, traditional fisherman knowledge


In recent years, European fishing communities have undergone major structural changes resulting from the different reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The instruments implemented have led to a transformation in this sector, affecting small fishing stocks. In this context, we present an anthropological study as a tool of great value to understand the responses of individuals and communities to new challenges. This work, based on primary and secondary information collected in the last decade in the Region of Murcia (Spain), explores some of these responses. The testimonies of the different informants show the weakening of this profession as a result of the political tools implemented. Decreasing number of boats and self-employed workers, coupled with a lack of generational replacement puts at risk traditional knowledge of artisanal fishing. To reflect on the present and future of these ancestral practices, a series of experiences are presented where the fisherman is revealed as an intermediator or transmitting agent of knowledge, linking the heritage legacy to different sectors of contemporary society.


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How to Cite
López-Martínez, G., & Espeso-Molinero, P. (2020). Artisanal fishing, cultural heritage and social education. : The Murcian fisherman as cultural custodian. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (27), 11–32.