Telling History through the Cemetery: The Businessman Tomas Erades

The biographical-historical method in Anthropology


Keywords: Cemetery, funeral ritual, cultural heritage, Historical Anthropology, Erades, Murcia


The article analyses the different perspectives of study that, from the point of view of Social Anthropology, the cemetery offers when describing a society and its cultural patterns. Our modus operandiis exemplified in the case of the municipal cemetery of Murcia, Nuestro Padre Jesús, and in the biography of one of its inhabitants, the Murcian businessman Tomás Erades. To study him allows us to describe the Murcian society of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, their marital and gender, health and economic patterns.


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How to Cite
Schriewer, K., & Martínez Cavero, P. (2019). Telling History through the Cemetery: The Businessman Tomas Erades: The biographical-historical method in Anthropology . Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (26), 55–76.