Sacrality and uniqueness of the burial spaces in Totana (Murcia) from the 16th century

El cementerio municipal de Nuestra Señora del Carmen


Keywords: Cemetery, Justo Millán Espinosa, Diocese of Cartagena, historicism, pantheon, Totana


In this work we study the change of location of the different cemeteries of Totana in the 19th century. Until 1811 these spaces were located in temples and hermitages. The epidemics of the early nineteenth century forced to carry out the provisions that Carlos III had published in the eighteenth century which decreed the removal of burials from urban centres. This is how local authorities began the construction of a first cemetery in the population in 1813. This place was in use until 1885 when the current cemetery of «Nuestra Señora del Carmen» was built. This cemetery is further away from the population and follows an aesthetic and hygienist model established by the diocesan architect Justo Millán Espinosa.


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How to Cite
Cánovas Mulero, J. (2019). Sacrality and uniqueness of the burial spaces in Totana (Murcia) from the 16th century: El cementerio municipal de Nuestra Señora del Carmen. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (26), 175–188.