The Futures of Anthropology. The Anthropologies of the Future


  • José Palacios Ramírez Universidad Católica San Antonio Murcia
Keywords: Disciplinary identity, future of Antropology, survey, Antropología of the future


This text has as basic objective to synthesize the collected answers from the survey which origins this Revista Murciana de Antropología number, on the double issue of the definition of the Anthropology ́s identity and their future perspectives. Besides that, I will try to contextualize briefly the issue of the discussion about the future in the frame of the recent discipline history. Also try to offer a personal comment about the question focused on the possibility of mix in the core of current strategies the reflection on the future of our societies.



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How to Cite
Palacios Ramírez, J. (2018). The Futures of Anthropology. The Anthropologies of the Future. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (25), 75–92.