The necessary updating of the UNESCO Codes in Social Anthropology in the 21st century


  • Klaus Schriewer Universidad de Murcia
  • Juan Ignacio Rico Becerra Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: UNESCO nomenclature, survey among anthropologists, classification of scientific fields, antropological field, discipline, sub-discipline


In this text we intend to highlight why it is essential to update the UNESCO Codes for Social Anthropology. To this end we carried out, in the first place, a retrospective review of the UNESCO Codes and its limitations, starting from the first draft of 1972 to the present. Then we expose the valuations of the Spanish anthropologists who have participated in our survey on the adequacy of the UNESCO Codes, and finally we present a proposal of the UNESCO Codes for Anthropology.


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Author Biography

Klaus Schriewer, Universidad de Murcia

Catedrático de Antropología Social


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How to Cite
Schriewer, K., & Rico Becerra, J. I. (2018). The necessary updating of the UNESCO Codes in Social Anthropology in the 21st century. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (25), 29–54.