Why do Chines migrants tend to be self-employed?


  • Ma Jie
  • Klaus Schriewer
Keywords: Chinese immigrants, life-mode analysis, self-employed, wage-earner, family bonds


Since the economic crisis, in Spain the number of immigrants is reducing year by year, however the statistical data shows that the number of Chinese immigrants is an exception. Besides the number, another phenomenon caused our attention as well, which is among Chinese immigrants, the percentage of being self-employed is apparently much higher than immigrants from other countries. Parting from these facts, in this article we try to find out how Chinese migrants in Spain could survive in economic crisis and what is their secret of success? To this end, on the base of anthropological theoretical frame of life-mode analysis and methodology of secondary data and field work, the main objectives of this research is about the reasons why Chinese immigrants tend to be self- employed and what support them to accept long working-days. The field work of interviews and case studies were carried out among Chinese immigrants in the city of Murcia, both Chinese self-employed and wage-earner. 


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How to Cite
Jie, M., & Schriewer, K. (2017). Why do Chines migrants tend to be self-employed?. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (24), 217–234. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/311571