Dissents into the Trade-unions, the Neighbours’asociations and the Church in Cartagena


  • José Sánchez Conesa
  • Francisco Henares Díaz
Keywords: Cartagena Transition, CCOO’s Neighborhood Association, USO, Church, associations, HOAC, JOC, Priests, Nuns


In this article it is narrated and the activity of commented upon how, why and what did the local associations in Cartagena before and after Spanish Transition. Such associations were disseminated through the neighborhoods, but around some parishes and religious communities. The area of working-class priests was of a manifest importance here. Cartagena appears as a very signaled Spanish territory. The personal and structural changes represented a way of being Church. Liberation theolo- gy, Pastoral and Political, was an essential field. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez Conesa, J., & Henares Díaz, F. (2016). Dissents into the Trade-unions, the Neighbours’asociations and the Church in Cartagena. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (23), 241–252. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/272911