The memory in the body. The socio-sanitary situation of the post-war in the Spanish East


  • Salvador Cayuela Sánchez
Keywords: Socio-sanitary Conditions, Spanish East, Post Civil War, Childhood memories, Diseases, Scarcity


In these pages I intend to draw up an introduction from the anthropology and social history to the socio-sanitary conditions experienced in the Spanish East during the forties, fifties and sixties, of the Twentieth century. To carry out this objective, I will use primary and secondary literature, match with «childhood memories» recorded in a series of 43 stories of life made in 2010 and 2014, to people born between 1940 and 1955, in the Spanish provinces of Murcia, Alicante and Albacete. As well, and after a brief introduction, the article will be structured in three sections, the first intended to show the hygienic-sanitary and food conditions of this time, showed through the testimonies selected. The second part will focus on some diseases especially present in those years, whose prevalence is check in the interviews. A third section will focus on health coverage at this period, remembered today by our interviewees, and followed by a brief conclusion.


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How to Cite
Cayuela Sánchez, S. (2016). The memory in the body. The socio-sanitary situation of the post-war in the Spanish East. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (23), 47–64. Retrieved from