La Murta village under the Sacred Cross patronage and murtan’s stonemasons between 19th and 20th centuries


  • Bienvenido Mas Belén
Keywords: Sacred Cross patronage, devoutness, consecrate, stonemasons, Murcia


La Murta village is located at the base of Carrascoy mountains, in the Murcia countryside, although neighbouring of the Cartagena countryside, wich have had social, economic and cultural traditional links. This article expounds the current festivity of Sacred Cross and their probably origins, being interesting the ancient stone cross carved and repaired by the murtan’s stonemasons between the last third of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. The cross is adorned with wild herbs.


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Author Biography

Bienvenido Mas Belén

How to Cite
Mas Belén, B. (2012). La Murta village under the Sacred Cross patronage and murtan’s stonemasons between 19th and 20th centuries. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (19), 81–92. Retrieved from