Evolution of funerary sculptural art in Cartagena from the 19th to the 20th century


  • Diego Ortiz Martínez
Keywords: funeral art, symbolism, sculpture, eclecticism, modernism


In the last third of the 19th century the funeral art turns into a reflection of social status of the dominant middle class, of his virtues and qualities, there being constructed magnificent pantheons that were alluding to the perfect Christian life of the deceased. On the contrary, in the first third of the 20th century the iconographic topics are simplified, affecting in the human values of the death (affliction, pain or nostalgia) what is translated in a more standardized demand, industrialized almost, by rapidly accepted models because they are cheaper and put this art at the disposal of more wide caps of the company.


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Author Biography

Diego Ortiz Martínez

How to Cite
Ortiz Martínez, D. (2012). Evolution of funerary sculptural art in Cartagena from the 19th to the 20th century. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (19), 27–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/217361