About the novel titled Pleasures and Displeasures of «Lentiscar of Cartagena» by Ginés Campillo de Bayle


  • Santiago Delgado
Keywords: late XVII century novel, late Spanish Baroque, fantasy and moralism, Cartagena


We study a novel written in 1690, it is set in an estate located in Cartagena Countryside called «The Lentiscar». Step by step, we examine the events and link them to the later Spanish Baroque. As in Decameron, protagonists come to this villa to cure the melancholy of a secularised nun just over 16 years. The parties that they organize for the demoiselle recall Don Quixote in the Palace of the Dukes. Wherever the popular is mixed with the elitist, the pleasant events with dramatic events and trivial places with magical places are alternated. The story is present: raids by Berber pirates, description of the monastery of San Ginés de la Jara, or the presence of don Luis Fajardo, in key demoiselle’s beau. The story ends in tragedy with the death of beau, and the return to the cloister of Filomunda, appropriate demoiselle’s name.


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Author Biography

Santiago Delgado

How to Cite
Delgado, S. (2012). About the novel titled Pleasures and Displeasures of «Lentiscar of Cartagena» by Ginés Campillo de Bayle. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (19), 191–218. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/216741