The Physician Saints in Campo de Cartagena. Popular Religiosity


  • José López González
Keywords: saint Cosmas, saint Damian, Physician Saint, La Palma, Cartagena, hermitage, popular religiosity, pilgrimage


This article is an investigation about the physician saints Cosmas and Damian in Campo de Cartagena, focusing on the study of popular religiosity. We have done a fieldwork with personal interviews and site inspections. Of all the material collected (which included image files, audio, video, painting, poetry, ballads, prayers, literature…), the most adequate has been selected for this publication that aims to be a starting point for an in-depth study. We have included illustrations of the painter Pedro Diego Pérez Casanova.


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Author Biography

José López González

How to Cite
López González, J. (2012). The Physician Saints in Campo de Cartagena. Popular Religiosity. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (19), 161–170. Retrieved from