Reaparición de movimientos carismáticos, grupos de alumbrados y otras disidencias inclasificables en la España del segundo tercio del siglo XIX


  • Juan B. Vilar
Keywords: religious dissidents, charismatic movement, alumbrados, Miguel Rivas, José Mª Moralejo, Antonio Aguayo, Algorja, Brihuega, Granada, Spain, 2nd third nineteenth century


The 2nd third of the nineteenth century, coinciding in Spain with the termination and closure of the prolonged and traumatic transition between the Ancient Regime to liberalism, is also a time of religious crisis which made possible the reappearance of charismatic movements, groups of "alumbrados" and other dissident unclassifiable with medieval history and so far little known. Presentation and analysis of several of the most representative, with special attention to those addressed by M. Ribas, J. Mª Moralejo y A. Aguayo, clerics of Tarragona, Brihuega and Granada.


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Author Biography

Juan B. Vilar

How to Cite
Vilar, J. B. (2009). Reaparición de movimientos carismáticos, grupos de alumbrados y otras disidencias inclasificables en la España del segundo tercio del siglo XIX. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (16), 439–450. Retrieved from