El modo de trabajar de Francisco J. Flores Arroyuelo


  • Emilio del Carmelo Tomás Loba


After havig studied in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universityof Murcia and having done a thesis about Pío Baroja, it was with his nephew, Julio Caro Baroja, that he acquired the necessary knowledge to do etnographics works. On the other hand, his relationship with the world of art let professor Flores Arroyuelo deal with stilistic and artistic matters. It is in this way in which we are going to look at this work from different points of view: literary, etnographic and artistic, and for this reason we are going to concentrate on his particular way of saving the traditional or etnographic inheritance.


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Author Biography

Emilio del Carmelo Tomás Loba

How to Cite
Tomás Loba, E. del C. (2009). El modo de trabajar de Francisco J. Flores Arroyuelo. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (16), 65–82. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/209761
Consideraciones en torno a la obra de Francisco J. Flores Arroyuelo