Local identity and patron saint’s cult


  • José Sánchez Conesa
Keywords: santos patronos, identidad local, procesiones, El Algar, La Palma, Santiago de la Ribera, Pozo-Estrecho

Supporting Agencies

  • patron saints
  • local identity
  • processions
  • El Algar
  • La Palma
  • Santiago de la Ribera
  • Pozo-Estrecho


Local identity and patron saint’s cult are two closely linked concepts, as we can check in some cases from Campo de Cartagena: El Algar, La Palma, Santiago de la Ribera or Pozo-Estrecho. The socioeconomic, political and cultural context plays a great role. The patron saints form part of the com- mon religion of the population of this shire, despite this model of real lived religion goes into a conflictive relation, in many cases, with the ideal model that postulates the ecclesiastical institution. The modern man needs holds in society’s globalization, for many the return to the sacred and to the home’s heat are some keys as we appreciate in the rise of the Easter processions in some towns in the area.


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Author Biography

José Sánchez Conesa

How to Cite
Sánchez Conesa, J. (2011). Local identity and patron saint’s cult. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (18), 89–104. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/208241