El oficio tradicional de lechero-cabrero en la zona oeste del Campo de Cartagena


  • María del Carmen Berrocal Caparrós Universidad de Murcia. Centro Asociado de UNED. Cartagena


After some general thoughts, the paper highlights the diffi culties of the job and the discontinuity of the familiar tradition, at least in the last decades. The paper also describes the equipment that is usually needed to produce and destroy the merchandise; it also examines the problems of livestock, especially goats, about its lexicon and its peculiarities. It also analyzes he raising and caring of the livestock; the transport of milk, the containers and commercial transactions involved, as well as the complementary activities as the cheese manufacturing, and the folklore that sources an important part of the lexicon.


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How to Cite
Berrocal Caparrós, M. del C. (2008). El oficio tradicional de lechero-cabrero en la zona oeste del Campo de Cartagena. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (15), 499–531. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108881