El proyecto MEDINS y la catalogación del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la Región de Murcia
Maybe, nobody has any doubt about the fact that the Public Administration must encourage the necessary mechanism to protect our Heritage. Both, as a symbol of our own History and as a process of development through the time. Nowadays, the Heritage has been only identifi ed with the tangible heritage thet the History, artists and stylistics movements have provided. It means that the Cultural Heritage has been identifi ed with the tangible heritage (buildings, monuments, sculptures, objects, pictures, etc.). Anyway, this identifi cation is not quite accurate because every tangible heritage has got a touch of intangible connotations. Even more, this symbolic and intangible heritage speaks louder about our History than buildings or monuments do. MEDINS project, wich we are introducing here, deals with the safeguarding, protection and promotion of mediterranean intangible heritage. Along this comunication we explain how the project is being developed, key concepts, goals which we are focusing on and, fi nally, we defi ned the way of making possible the involvement of comunities in the safeguarding and protection of our heritage.Downloads
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