El agua y la medicina popular en el Campo de Cartagena: terapia «catártica» y purificadora


  • Natalia Grau García


This work analyzes the role of the water in the «cathartic» rites of the popular medicine through the analysis of its «purifi ed» action in the treatment of certain illness (the evil eye, «aliacan» or jaundice, «ojo de sol» or sunstroke, «carne huida», warts) or cures as blessed water by quacks that provides interesting interpretations the ethnographic-anthropological point of view.


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How to Cite
Grau García, N. (2010). El agua y la medicina popular en el Campo de Cartagena: terapia «catártica» y purificadora. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (15), 35–51. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108251