El patrimonio de la cultura del agua en el paisaje del Campo de Cartagena


  • María Luján Ortega
  • Tomás García Martínez


Treatment of a classifi cation of elements defi ned within the ethnographic patrimony that have stayed as witnesses of the way which the hydric resources in the Campo de Cartagena have been optimized. Between the elements that they integrate this study goes away to make an ethnographic approach to buildings of the culture of the water as they are: hydraulic element, water canalization, laundries, mills with clay container, water jumps, docks of containment, rain tanks, wells, troughs, etc. Classifying them according to its operation and social use.


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How to Cite
Luján Ortega, M., & García Martínez, T. (2007). El patrimonio de la cultura del agua en el paisaje del Campo de Cartagena. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (14), 567–602. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108151