El agua en la vida y la historia de San Pedro del Pinatar


  • Rafael Mellado Pérez Cronista oficial de San Pedro del Pinatar


San Pedro del Pinatar’s water basin is analyzed from an environmental, climatological, historic and legal standpoint, as well as water uses for human consumption, irrigation, water gathering systems (common wells, watermills, norias, windmills, etc.), and the solutions to bring water to the Campo de Cartagena (the Taibilla channels and the Tajo-Segura Transvasement) to improve the quality of life, it’s economic activity and the agricultural economy.


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How to Cite
Mellado Pérez, R. (2007). El agua en la vida y la historia de San Pedro del Pinatar. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (14), 539–566. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108131