Los aljibes en la historia de la cultura: la realización en el Campo de Cartagena


  • Antonio González Blanco Universidad de Murcia y Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio
  • Francisco López Bermúdez Universidad de Murcia y Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio
  • Alfredo Vera Boti Real Academia Alfonso X El Sabio


The paper’s objective is to place the topic about the «aljibes» (water containers) within the context of the Universal History and the History of Construction. The Field of Cartagena is only a chapter in the same context in which are situated all cultures in the world: the classic world lived a golden period in the construction of «aljibes», and the Modern Age has revitalized it, not only referring to the usage of stagnant water, but also regarding water conservation with the local conditions.


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How to Cite
González Blanco, A., López Bermúdez, F., & Vera Boti, A. (2007). Los aljibes en la historia de la cultura: la realización en el Campo de Cartagena. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (14), 441–478. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/108101