Precipitaciones, sequía y agua del trasvase en el Campo de Cartagena


  • José Amestoy Alonso Centro Regional de la UNED en Cartagena


An Introduction to the Study of Language survey abont the water, showers, droughts and the problems related to its scarcity in Cartagena countryside. Analysis of the showers between 1980 and 2004, based on the period 1940-1981. The ancient drought is the most remarkable fact in the area, that’s why it is necessary to be aware of desertifi cation and apply urgent measures to stop environmental degradation in the area of Cartagena countryside and achieve the responsible development in the area.


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How to Cite
Amestoy Alonso, J. (2007). Precipitaciones, sequía y agua del trasvase en el Campo de Cartagena. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (14), 97–124. Retrieved from