Historia de la administración del agua en el Campo de Cartagena y en la Cuenca del Segura


  • Emilio Pérez Pérez Doctor en Derecho


I. INTRODUCTION. II. THE WATERING COMMUNITY OF THE «CAMPO DE CARTAGENA». THE HYDROGRAPHIC CONFEDERATION OF THE SEGURA RIVER. 1. Brief analysis of the Hydrographic Confederations, its duties and its role as an organization that collaborates with the Government and the Autonomies. 2. State Public Hydraulic Domain; the need of the regulation works; the transfer as the culmination of the regulation duty. Without those works there is no sustainable development. A) The Public Hydraulic Domain as a natural domain and jurisdiction or State sovereignty. B) The need of the water transfer works. C) The work done for the approval of the hydrological plans of the basin and the national hydrographic plan. III THE EBRO RIVER TRANSFER AND, IN PARTICULAR, THE EBRO-SEGURA TRANSFER. IV. THE DEROGATION OF THE EBRO RIVER TRANSFER. V. THE LAW 11/2005, FROM 22ND JUNE, THE NEW STATUTE OF AUTONOMY AND THE REFORM OF THE WATER LAW. 1. The additional disposition number 10 in the Law of the National Hydrologic Plan y the Autonomic Statute of Catalonia. 2. Statute of Autonomy of the Valencia Community. 3. Statute of Andalusia. 4. Reform of the Statute of Aragon. 5. Bill of the Statute of Castilla La Mancha. The expected caducity of the Ebro-Segura Transfer. 7. The reform of the TR of the Water Law. VI TO FINISH WITH A PERSONAL CONCLUSION.


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How to Cite
Pérez Pérez, E. (2007). Historia de la administración del agua en el Campo de Cartagena y en la Cuenca del Segura. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (14), 15–44. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/107641