El «Sitio Histórico Estrecho de las Cuevas de la Encarnación», Caravaca de la Cruz. Musealización de algunos recursos patrimoniales


  • Indalecio Pozo Martínez
  • Alfonso Robles Fernández
  • Elvira Navarro Santa-Cruz


The Straights of the Caves of Incarnation is situated in the town of Caravaca. It has been declarated Property of Cultural Interest with category of Historical Site. There you can fi nd numerous patrimonial resources. We must excessively emphasize two outstanding Roman temples and the monumental set of the hermitage of the Virgin of the Caves, in addition to two hydraulic water mills of the 18th century. Recently some of these resources have been taken to museums in order to make them more available to the great public and specially to the students.


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How to Cite
Pozo Martínez, I., Robles Fernández, A., & Navarro Santa-Cruz, E. (2006). El «Sitio Histórico Estrecho de las Cuevas de la Encarnación», Caravaca de la Cruz. Musealización de algunos recursos patrimoniales. Murcian Journal of Anthropology, (13), 375–388. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rmu/article/view/106891