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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submission HAS NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED OR SUBMITTED TO ANOTHER JOURNAL (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to Editor).

    The submitted file is in Microsoft Word or compatible format. The text has single line spacing, font size is 12 points ; Italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all ILLUSTRATIONS, FIGURES AND TABLES ARE WITHIN THE TEXT in their right place and not at the very end of the text. Web addresses have been added to references when possible.
  • The text complies with all the BIBLIOGRAPHIC and style requirements which are indicated in “Guidelines for authors” which can be found below. Bibliographic citations must follow the APA regulations.

Author Guidelines

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES. At the end of the article a list of the works cited in the text will appear. These must be done using the APA citation system, According to the following model:

a) Book: Author last name, Author first initial. Author second initial. (Publication Year). Title of book. Place: Publisher. Example: 

Jordán Montés, J. F. (2008). El imaginario del viejo reino de Murcia. Murcia: ediciones Tres Fronteras.

b) Book chapter: Author last name, Author first initial. Author second initial. (Publication Year). Title of chapter. In Editor first initial. Editor second initial. Editor last name (ed.), Title of book, pages. Place: Publisher. Example: 

   Lehmann, A. (2014). Antropología cultural y narratología. En K. Schriewer y S. Cayuela (ed.), Perspectivas antropológicas. Herramientas para el análisis de las sociedades europeas, 69-91. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, Waxmann.

c) Paper: Author last name, Author first Initial. Author Second Initial. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume, pages. Example: 

   Sánchez Ferra, A. J. (2004). La investigación sobre el cuento de tradición oral en la comarca del Campo de Cartagena. Estado de la cuestión. Revista Murciana de Antropología, 11, 299-314

d) Citations in the text will be in parentheses, with the author's name, year and page / s. Example: (Schriewer, 2019, 55-56).

In accordance with the guidelines of the Publications Service of the University of Murcia, authors must fill in the "Metadata" of their submission; that is, "summary", "keywords" and "bibliographic references".


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