Cognitive effects of nominal and pronominal anaphoric encapsulation: a study on processing costs
Encapsulation is a form of discursive anaphora in which the encapsulating phoric element refers to a textual passage composed of one or more sentences. A distinction is made between pronominal encapsulation and nominal encapsulation. In the former, a neutral pronoun such as ello directs the reader to search for a referent in a preceding textual fragment. In nominal encapsulation, a noun phrase is used not only to direct the search for information retrieval but also to produce a summary, a recategorisation and a reification of the abstract entity that has been encapsulated. This study reports the results of an eyetracking reading experiment conducted with 44 native Spanish speakers. The experiment compared the processing costs associated with parallel structures in which the only variable element was the type of encapsulating element (pronominal vs. nominal). The findings indicate an increase in reading times for the pronominal variable as a consequence of a reprocessing phase.Downloads
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