History of the indefinite quantifier unos cuantos
The indefinite quantifier unos cuantos is documented for the first time in Spanish in the 16th century. Its frequency of use increased in the 18th century and became significant in the 19th century. Several facts suggest that the introduction of this quantifier into Castilian originated in the eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula, probably as a calque from Catalan. The Catalan quantifier uns quants is attested earlier (in the 15th century), and its frequency of use underwent a significant increase in the 16th and 17th centuries. Moreover, most of the attested examples in Castilian in the 16th century and in the first half of the 17th century are attributed to authors from the eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula. A further issue that deserves attention, and which also concerns the study of this quantifier in Catalan, is its sudden appearance. The first attested occurrences of this expression show already the same function as its current value, without any traceable process of grammaticalisation from previous contexts.
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