Routine formulas at the service of the speech act of reproach: the case of «zapatero, a tus zapatos»


  • Bojana Tulimirovic Profesora
Keywords: reprach, routine formulas, speech acts, illocutionary force


The main goal of this paper is to analyse the routine formulas that —contrary to the lexicographical information given about this group of phraseological units— may fulfil complex expressive-directive functions as in the case of the speech act of reproach. In order to reach do such thing, we will focus on the formula zapatero, a tus zapatos for two main reasons: a) the functional values that are attached to this expression in the dictionaries exclude the expressive component of the acts that are conveyed through this expression, and b) there is a general opinion according to which the expression in question is a proverb and not a routine formula, a thesis that we will try to refute hereby.


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How to Cite
Tulimirovic, B. (2022). Routine formulas at the service of the speech act of reproach: the case of «zapatero, a tus zapatos». Journal of Linguistic Research, 24, 233–251.