Procedures in the scientific and technical coining of sounds: Spanish-English contrastive study


  • Verónica Vivanco Cervero UPM
Keywords: lexical coining, onomatopeia, metaphor, personification


This article focuses on the lexical coining of the sounds in the field of science and technology in Spanish and English. Words of high use in the aforementioned field have been chosen, such as canto, chasquido/parásito, craqueo, galería de susurros/sala de murmullos, tintineo/castañeteo, ululación/chillido del buho, y zumbido y sus correlatos ingleses singing/humming, hash/parasite, cracking, whispering gallery, chatter, hoot, and hum, which show a greater number of synonyms in Spanish. The statistics show that the typologies of lexical coining in relation to the capture of sounds in both languages are fragmented (ametaphors, onomatopoeias, metaphors, personifications, animalizations and hybrid tipologies) and that onomatopoeias have a greater presence in English (66%) than in Spanish (42%).


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How to Cite
Vivanco Cervero, V. (2022). Procedures in the scientific and technical coining of sounds: Spanish-English contrastive study. Journal of Linguistic Research, 24, 253–269.