Cynisism and kynicism: two attitudes that lead to the comprehension of languages in Catalonia


Keywords: epistemic modality, Critical Discourse Analysis, linguistic ideology, discursive triad, Catalan language


Cynicism and kynicism are antithetical attitudes which can discursively materialize through the opinion degree of the epistemic modality. In this paper, we propose four archetypical statements representing several opinions regarding the suitability and inconvenience of Spanish and Catalan languages about how they compete to monopolize sociolinguistic domains and uses in Catalonia. Cynical or kynical components are made clear in these sentences. These elements, which favour one or another language, do not appear in isolation, but there is a struggle between both attitudes in which one of them nuance the effectiveness of the other one. We take the Critical Discourse Analysis since the ideologies which reproduce the power relations between languages reveal themselves discursively. Through this perspective, we divide the sentences into ideologically separated segments and we point out which of them must be attacked to build favourable linguistic ideologies to the minoritized language.


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How to Cite
Pinto Pajares, D. (2021). Cynisism and kynicism: two attitudes that lead to the comprehension of languages in Catalonia. Journal of Linguistic Research, 23, 377–393.