Characterization of the LGTBI speaking community discourse. An approach to Hispanic Queer Linguistics


Keywords: Identity construction, queer linguistics, LGTBI speech, approximate analysis, pragmalinguistics analysis


Every subculture forms a particular linguistic community in which, although language is shared with the rest of society, speech varies in certain aspects. This is the case of the LGTBI speaking community, which uses a peculiar lexicon, as well as a characteristic phraseology, special grammatical structures and, in short, very striking pragmatic resources which aim is to mitigate certain statements, intensify some others in certain contexts and build affiliate speech acts to express solidarity. In addition, it plays a very important role in the construction of the identity of the speakers. This paper proposes an approximate pragmalinguistic analysis that serves as an introduction to queer linguistic studies within Hispanicism.


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How to Cite
Navarro-Carrascosa, C. (2021). Characterization of the LGTBI speaking community discourse. An approach to Hispanic Queer Linguistics. Journal of Linguistic Research, 23, 353–375.