Rhythmic structure and motivation of some cases of rhyming word play in Mexican Spanish


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/ril.390171
Keywords: word play, speech act, rhythmic pattern, motivation, syllabic analysis


This paper presents the description of 169 rhyming cases of word play in Mexican Spanish. After adequately characterizing the notion of word play, I point out the relevance of considering these discursive practices from their dimension as speech acts. Subsequently, I offer a descriptive analysis that determines the number of syllables, the rhythmic pattern and the motivation of these cases of rhyming word play, in order to offer some general aspects of their linguistic behavior.


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How to Cite
Franco Trujillo, E. D. (2020). Rhythmic structure and motivation of some cases of rhyming word play in Mexican Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Research, 22, 241–274. https://doi.org/10.6018/ril.390171