From speaker’s intention to the polyphonic representation of the enunciation. On the boundaries of intention in the description of meaning


  • María Marta García Negroni
  • Manuel Libenson
  • Ana Soledad Montero
Keywords: Intención, Sujeto hablante, Enunciación, Sentido, Pragmática


As can be observed in mainstream pragmatics, the notion of "intention” works as an epistemological precept fully entrenched in the description of the so-called “speaker’s meaning”. As known, for these approaches, linguistic meaning description is closely related to the interpretation of speaker  ́s intentions. Against this theses and from a polyphonic approach to enunciation (Ducrot, 1984), the aim of this paper is to put on stage a discussion around the boundaries of the “intentionalist view” when describing meaning from a semantic-pragmatic perspective. Specifically, this paper highlights many of the theoretical and methodological inconsistencies that arise when categories involving irreconcilable theoretical frameworks, such as intention, speaker, literal meaning, on one hand, and polyphony, locutor, point of view, on the other, are juxtaposed in the linguistic analysis of meaning.


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How to Cite
García Negroni, M. M., Libenson, M., & Montero, A. S. (2013). From speaker’s intention to the polyphonic representation of the enunciation. On the boundaries of intention in the description of meaning. Journal of Linguistic Research, 16, 237–262. Retrieved from